Professional Development

Techademia's training programs are designed to help your school community thrive at technology integration in all areas. Our trainings can be ordered separately or in packages at a discount. The trainings come with continued support for plans created by YOUR EDUCATORS during our trainings.

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Common Core
Social Studies
Service Learning
Test Preparation

Introduction to Technology Integration (3 hours)

The first training in our series gives your educators insight into how to introduce technology to their instruction. The components of this training include:

  • Comprehensive review of current technology usage, strength of school networks and data systems, and current technology hardware and software.
  • Training in implementing technology in the classroom and computer lab settings.
  • A review of current hardware, curriculum technology, online tools and Learning Management Systems (LMS's), SIS integration, and Computer Management Systems (CMS's) that can improve instruction.
  • Assistance in choosing and implementing content filters for your network.
  • Introduction to Smarter Balance and PARCC assessment systems and the online tools that can prepare students for success on these formats.
  • Create a 3 year school plan for both individual and school-wide technology implementation.
  • Receive 1 month of free support implementing technology plan that includes assistance in creating a secure database for student data that protects your community's PII.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Common Core & Technology (2 hours)

Common Core presents many new obstacles and opportunities for educators. Technology usage will be a key component in bridging the gap between the old and the new. The components of this training include:

  • A brief overview of the origins of Common Core and how the standards change the delivery and development of curriculum.
  • A thorough review of online and digital tools that can be used to achieve the standards.
  • A review of Smarter Balance, PARCC and other digital testing formats being implemented under the new Common Core standards.
  • Information about NCSC and Dynamic Learning Maps Consortiums that are devolping Common Core assessments for students with significant cognitive impairments.
  • Create a plan to incorporate Common Core technology lessons and test preparation throughout the school year.
  • Walkthrough and play learning with a number of online games that students can use to assist them in achieving the Common Core standards.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Literacy & Technology (2 hours)

Literacy is the key to learning. As we increasingly move to receiving our literary content on digital devices there are many opportunities to enhance the educational experience. The components of this training include:

  • A review of the new Literacy standards, their origins, and a group discussion of how they change literacy instruction.
  • An examination of your current literacy instruction practices and the level of technology integration.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can improve literacy instruction.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online and digital tools that can enhance literacy instruction.
  • Instruction on ebook usage and creating leveled, digital libraries for your school.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all literacy programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Arithmetics & Technology (2 hours)

Math concepts can be very difficult for students to grasp. Research is finding that technology usage can assist students with wide ranges of learning modalities and allow students to self-regulate skills practice in a number of fun and engaging ways.The components of this training include:

  • A review of the new Math standards, their origins, and a group discussion of how they change arithmetics instruction.
  • An examination of your current arithmetics instruction practices and the level of technology integration.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can improve arithmetics instruction.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online tools that can enhance arithmetics instruction.
  • Instruction on creating digital tools for students to participate in self-regulating habits for practicing math skills.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all arithmetics programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Science & Technology (2 hours)

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core ELA- Science & Technical Subjects standards have changed everything about how Science instruction will be delivered in the future. There are a number of digital tools that help students develop critical science thinking skills and prepare them for testing and practical application. The components of this training include:

  • A review of the new Science standards and a group discussion of how they change science instruction.
  • An examination of your current science instruction practices and the level of technology integration.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can improve science instruction.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online tools that can enhance science instruction. Includes an overview of new companies and curriculums developed for science instruction.
  • Instruction on creating digital tools for students to participate in self-regulating habits for practicing science skills. Including a review of science sites that faciltate science lessons and curriculum.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all science programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Social Studies & Technology (2 hours)

The new standards group Social Studies and History is now included in the Common Core ELA standards. The standards have become more demanding requiring students to complete research projects, use visual information, and analyze the varacity of digital references and resources. There are many terrific tools that can assist students and teachers in achieving success on these standards. The components of this training include:

  • A review of the new ELA- History/Social Studies standards and a group discussion of how they change history instruction.
  • An examination of your current History/Social Studies instruction practices and the level of technology integration.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can improve History/Social Studies instruction.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online tools that can enhance History/Social Studies instruction.
  • Instruction on developing secure, digital tools for creating reports and research projects. Assistance in creating a culture of using reliable resources and data in historical research.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all History/Social Studies programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Service and Applied Learning & Technology (2 hours)

Service Learing is a wonderful method to teach students practical skills, improve your community, ingratiate life lessons and have a bunch of fun! Let us help your instructors develop programs with the help of technology that will transform your students' lives. It has also become a key requirement of high school curriculums. The components of this training include:

  • A review of the history of Service Learning and how it has enhanced education practices since 2004.
  • A review of Applied Learning and its relevance for the future success of the next generation.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can facilitate service and applied learning instruction.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online tools that can be implemented for service and applied learning instruction.
  • Instruction on creating digital tools for students to participate in self-regulating habits for participating in service and applied learning projects.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all service and applied learning programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!

Test Preparation & Technology (2 hours)

We know change can be frustrating but it seems that the transition is coming. Let us help you make the change to digital testing formats. This training can assist your teachers in preparing students for the new testing formats in a wide range of activities. The components of this training include:

  • A review of Smarter Balance, PARCC and other digital testing formats being implemented under the new Common Core standards.
  • Information about NCSC and Dynamic Learning Maps Consortiums that are devolping Common Core assessments for students with significant cognitive impairments.
  • Assistance with creating and implementing a system for using the SBAC Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB's) and Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA's).
  • An examination of your current test preparation tools and programs.
  • An inventory of current digital tools that can improve test preparation.
  • An overview and walkthrough of online tools that can enhance test preparation.
  • Instruction on creating digital tools for students to participate in self-regulating habits for practicing for upcoming assessments.
  • Create a plan for digital integration in all test preparation programs.
Click here to schedule this training for your school community!