School Development
Tech Up! Consultations
Navigating the new digital paradigm can be difficult. Issues of quality, cost effectiveness, student achievement, and security are heavy burdens for schools with minimal levels of technological support. Let us help! A Tech Up! consultation can help your school community make these transitions smoothly and increase the use of technology in all aspects of your educational program. Services include:
- A comprehensive survey with the assistance of your staff and a small sample of students to assess the level of digital integration currently being utilized in instruction.
- A series of 6 planning meetings to create a plan for increased digital integration.
- Assistance with inventory of currently available technology resources at site.
- Assistance with developing an efficient Purchase Plan for the next 3 years that will optimize your resources for maximum digital integration.
- A thorough review of Computer Management Systems, Learning Management Systems, content filters, and Student Information Sytem integration.
- Transformation of your current computer lab into a certified TechPlus! Lab which maximizes computer resources and guarantees access for all students.
- Discounts on our Professional Development trainings.
- Member access for all staff to our Ed Tech Reviews and Discussion Boards.
- 6 months of support for implementation of all plans created during the consultation process.
TEACH Acadamies
(Technology Education Access Can Help)
TEACH Academies are collaborations between Techademia and communities to transform schools currently facing obstacles with success through:
- Community organizing and parent outreach around technology issues facing your school
- Assistance with technology curriculum development
- Maximizing usage of technology and other supplemental programs at your site
- Great Out of School time programs that implement high levels of digital resources
- Providing amazing staff support for technology implementation
- Increasing technology usage for you students and their families on your site and in their homes.
If you are facing obstacles with academic success in your school community and would like to consider collaborating with experienced educators to develop a better learning environment, contact us here with an email.
Click here to take a survey about your satisfaction with your school community and ideas you have to make it better!